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4th Sept. 16:00


The Youth in the Woods 


The Youth in the Woods is an happening that takes place in Öskjuhlíð. It is for everybody that lives in Öskjuhlíð, plants and animals but it’s also for other guests that make their way to the woods. The performance is performed by 100 teenagers. They will spread around Öskjuhlíð and recite the poem, Únglingurinn í skóginum (e. The Youth in the Woods) by Halldór Laxness. The poetry is performed for the forest itself, the plants, the moss, the trees, the stones, the rabbits. They will repeat the poem for 30 minutes. Guests are invited to visit Öskjuhlíð and witness the youth in the woods perform The Youth in the Woods.

About the artist:

Ásrún Magnúsdóttir was born in Reykjavík in the late eighties. Her work aims to stretch the dominant modes of dance and choreography and has been received well at home and abroad, as made apparent by her numerous festival appearances, awards and nominations.

Currently, she is interested in working with people that have not given dance or dancing much thought and trying to make invisible choreographies visible. She is interested in amplifying voices that she feels might be heard better; giving the stage to other people space to speak up, be seen and listened to.  

She has a great deal of experience working with different social groups, especially young people, teenagers and children but also micro-communities like her own neighbours, residents of particular neighbourhoods or people that share an apartment building.

Her work has toured in Europe where she has also given workshops for professionals and amateurs alike.

Supported by: Plöntutíð, Reykjavíkurborg og Barnamenningarsjóður 

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